Tuesday, December 18, 2007

II. Post 6A

1) (pg. 92) dystonia- abnormal tone of any tissue.

2) (pg. 93) congenital- a condition present at birth, inherited or caused by the environment

Figurative Language:
1) (pg. 106) "[...] unable to distinguish betweenadjacent tones and semitones. Without these basic buildig blocks [...]" Sacks refers to these parts of music as building blocks, giving them a very simple term to express their importance in music.

(pg. 102) "Music, I regret to say, affects me merely as an arbitrary succession of more or less irritating sounds." The quote is of one of Dr. Sacks' patients, describing how music does not affect them as it would a normal person. It shows how different some people's brains function compared to the majority.

Emerging Theme:

The emerging theme is that many people who seem to be affected by music have a wide variety of brains types. It was proven and talked about in Musicophilia that the brains of full time musicians function differently that non musical people and they even have a difference in brain size

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