Monday, October 22, 2007

Post 3A

[pg. 147] flora: the plants of a particular region.
[pg. 147] rakish: having an appearance suggesting speed.

Logical/Emotional Appeals-
1) "Now here's a thought to consider. Every twenty minutes on the Appalachian Trail, Katz and I walked farther than the average american walks in a week. Fir 93 percent of all trips outside home, for whatever distance or whatever purpose, Americans get in a car." (128) This section makes the reader feel shameful in his/her sedentary lifestyle and embarassed by the lazyness of the common American. (emotional appeal)

2) "Look at the map and then look at the part we've walked. [...] Jesus. [...] We've done nothing." (105) This realization made by Bryson fills the reader with a feeling of hopelessness. Bill and Katz learn that their months of hiking had only brought them through an eighth of the trail. (emotional appeal)

3) "Here the business was close and on top of you: gas stations, Wal-marts, Kmarts [...] Even Katz was unnerved by it. 'Jeez, its ugly." (115) As Katz and Bryson emerge from the trail, even the reader realizes that the industrialization and pollution of America has left it very ugly.

"As we lay there propped against our packs, a tourist in an unfortunate straw hat, clutching an ice cream, came up and looked us over in a friendly manner. 'So you fellas hiking?' [...] And you carry those packs? [...] Eight miles! Lord." (151) This quote also expresses the sedentary lifestyles of Americans, and how they are amazed at someone who hikes 15-20 miles every day.

Emerging theme-
A new them has emerged in the middle of the memoir. Bryson has begun to talk much more about how Americans don't live active lifestyles and sit around all day. Like the people who were amazed at seeing hikers, most people don't consider running, or even walking a part of their dayly schedule. Bryson is trying to tell the reader this.

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